Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello! thanks for coming!

Hello there! It's me, Ikea!

i now have a new homepage. check out http://www.ikeathegiraffe.com/ for new posts and other fun, like this great apple-eating game :)!

if you like giraffes, then join me at my facebook www.facebook.com/ikeathegiraffepage

or, you can follow me on twitter at twitter.com/ikeathegiraffe

other than that, have fun and cu l8er!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

.. where Ikea has a new homepage

Hello there! It's me, Ikea!

i have to tell you that i have a new homepage now! i wonder, how many giraffes have their homepage at all? and how many of those then have a blog? and then make fotografs? i guess i have to find out someday. so, it's www.ikeathegiraffe.com and you'll see this blog has moved there. but it's much nicer, because i have a really big background fotograf there - check it out! you may even need to borrow a larger screen to see that, actually :)

if you are already here, you can probably see some new links and old links too on the right. so, the second big news is that i have a new facebook fan page! now you can become a friend or a fan or both. btw, did you notice - facebook, friend and fan are all starting with "f", just like "fun"?

also, i'm still working on both the homepage/blog and facebook pages. it's not so easy at all, when you are a giraffe, like me. especially typing, hehe :) so, please comment what you think of it and share some ideas what you'd like to see here! since i have no fotografs this time, thanks for now and cu l8r!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

.. where Ikea is enjoying snowstorm outside his window

Hello there! It's me, Ikea!

Happy New Year! You know, these new years just sneak up on you, especially when you are a giraffe, like me. for example, i was watching TV and voila, there is this new year, suddenly. i like sneaking, as you may know :)

but also, there was this snowstorm in this little town that i live and they had most snow ever! so, that's also most snow i have ever seen here in Kadriorg too! so, i was watching thru my window like this

while the very big snowstorm was on a break, i went to check out, how much snow there is -

- apparently A LOT! then, of course i wanted to make a little snowman real quick. here's me modelling:

here's me making snow angels (somehow this has something to do with snowmen..):

and here's the little snowman itself! i guess it does not look anything like the model actually, especially the nose!

so that was it because then it started snowing again, plus i felt i had to get some christmas cookies right away :). but feel free to check out couple of other fotografs of the first snow on facebook. c u l8er!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

.. where Ikea is baking christmas cookies, jei!

Hello there! It's me, Ikea!

now, finally i have made my selection of christmas cookies fotografs! watch out #moose and #giraffes! this is especially for you, but also all my other friends and fans! thank you for reading my blog! although i am such a little giraffe, people all around the world are following this blog. so nice! thanks and merry Christmas!

anyways, i have to tell you, making christmas cookies is sort of addictive. especially eating them. i think these cookies are now my favorite food #2 after acacia leaves. therefore i have made already two large batches of cookies. so here come the fotografs of it.

first of all, i started off with my friends moose:

i must say, cutting and baking is the easy part. but the nice coating - quite hard. especially when you are a giraffe, like me. here's however the first one of many, again, moose:

after many hours, all the moose are ready!! jeii. happy x-mas my moose friends!

ok, now, this is the last fotograf, then i am really going to eat one of these.. really!

with the help of my friends at home, look at this big giraffe that we have made! this is like twice as big as me! i think, this is no doubt my favorite gingerbread of 2009:

so many cookies and only one of me! let me just get this one over here...

ooh, it's yet another giraffe! okou, i gotta love these, don't you?

do, did i already tell you that there were two batches in the making? so, here is - batch #1:

batch #2:

jei. im already graving for one (or two) when writing this. so, merry christmas all and happy christmascookiemaking! c u later!

ooh, and if you want more, take a look at my entries to 1Milliongiraffes!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

.. where Ikea is checking out Tallinn Airport

Hello there! It's me, Ikea!

finally finished with making christmas cookies. have to tell you, this year i have probably made the most christmas cookies of any giraffe in the world, hehe. i hope to post the fotografs very soon! or you can go little sneak-peek over here. but in the meantime, i paid a visit to the new Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport, especially the VIP area. as you may have noticed, giraffes are not your regular passengers, but they need some special treatment, therefore they go through vip area, i think. so, what we have here:

behind me you can see planes. currently i am in this area, which is the furthest away from the main building, so for plane- or giraffe-lovers, this is the place to be. if any giraffe is travelling, you'd be the first one to spot it.

somehow this is also the non-schengen area, so hardly any passengers here. i'm waiting they open up a direct route to madagascar, so i could come and enter/leave this way.

now, this is the special treatment i was talking about :) wohooo!

on this fotograf, we can play "spot the giraffe". i was trying to eat it, but then i realized it's plastic. hmm.

and now, the VIP room. here's where presidents, rockstars and giraffes wait for their planes. pretty cozy, i'd have to say. and here is the guest book too. lots of good wishes and other comments. i added mine as well..

so, that's the new airport in couple of fotos. i saw also some other things, like monstrous luggage sorting machine - it's big like 100 giraffes - but you can't fotograf everything in these places, you know, for security reasons. so, welcome to the airport where i usually start my travels and - in case you will not be here for christmas cookies fotografs in time - merry christmas!

now, what do you think?